D. Monologue

Listening audio
Listening level

D. Monologue.


1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) What kind of game does the speaker believe football is?

a. Interesting. b. Stupid and dangerous. c. Exciting.
(2) Why does the speaker believe that football is dangerous? a. The spectators often get hurt. b. Many people get killed in the matches. c. The footballers often get hurt in the matches.
(3) Which of the following comments will not be used by the speaker to describe people who watch football? a. They must be mad. b. They are dangerous. c. They are gentle and polite.
(4) Why does the speaker think that the footballers are rich and famous? a. They are mad. b. They can kick a ball around. c. They are experts in one special field.

2. True or False Questions.
The speaker describes football game as twenty men fighting for two hours to kick a ball into a goal.
The speaker prefers to stay at home and watch the football match on television.
According to the speaker, football seems to be everywhere in people's lives.
According to the speaker, footballers are the heroes of the twentieth century.

Listening answers

D. Monologue.


1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) What kind of game does the speaker believe football is?

a. Interesting. b. Stupid and dangerous. c. Exciting.
(2) Why does the speaker believe that football is dangerous? a. The spectators often get hurt. b. Many people get killed in the matches. c. The footballers often get hurt in the matches.
(3) Which of the following comments will not be used by the speaker to describe people who watch football? a. They must be mad. b. They are dangerous. c. They are gentle and polite.
(4) Why does the speaker think that the footballers are rich and famous? a. They are mad. b. They can kick a ball around. c. They are experts in one special field.

2. True or False Questions.
The speaker describes football game as twenty men fighting for two hours to kick a ball into a goal.
The speaker prefers to stay at home and watch the football match on television.
According to the speaker, football seems to be everywhere in people's lives.
According to the speaker, footballers are the heroes of the twentieth century.