ACT English OG Test 1 - James Forten, Revolutionary Sailmaker

Questions 61-75 are based on the following passage.

James Forten, Revolutionary Sailmaker

Paragraph 1

"I have been taken prisoner for the liberties of my country, and never will prove a traitor to her interests." [A] Before entering a British-run prison during the American Q61 Revolution prisoner of war, James Forten, said these words as a patriotic rejection of his British captor's offer to free him and educate him in England.

Paragraph 2

62He knew his Q63 chance of surviving imprisonment were slim. Porten also knew that if released at the war's end or as part of an Q64 exchange, he, a free black man, might be captured and sold into slavery as he journeyed home to Philadelphia. Porten not only survived but became one of the most successful businessmen and ardent abolitionists in the United States.65

Paragraph 3

Porten's rise to prosperity began upon his return home when a sailmaker hired him to design, mend, and sew sails. Porten's knowledge of ships, gained from his experiences as a sailor during the war, paid off. He Q66 rose to the position of foreman, and in 1798, Porten bought the sailmaker's business. [B]

Paragraph 4

Employing thirty-eight Q67 workers, white and black, Porten held his employees to a high standard. Viewed as a professional academy, his business produced skilled apprentices who constructed sails for dozens of vessels. The bulk of Porten's business records was probably lost after the business was sold.Q68 Soon, many regarded Porten as the city's Q69 premier sailmakerin Philadelphia.

Paragraph 5

A savvy businessman, Forten Q70 supported abolitionist causes. When the War of 1812 closed the port of Philadelphia, Forten used his profits in real estate and lending to support his sailmaking enterprise. W hen the need for Q71 smaller, quicker vessels changed sail design, he adapted. One thing Forten refused to do, however, was fit a slave ship with sails.

Paragraph 6

In fact, historians estimate that the sailmaker invested Q72 over greater than half his fortune in work to abolish slavery. [C] One of the wealthiest men in Philadelphia, Forten helped finance the Liberator, a powerful abolitionist newspaper. [D] The Revolutionary War Q73 veteran, who served in this war, believed that the United States owed all residents the right to freedom.

Question 61