The list is life: O Schindler

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 07:16

I love lists. I'm always compiling lists, I have a list of the lists I have, and I've a list for everything.
Some of them are useful, other are inspirational, others are just for fun,

There is a list of the things I will never know how to do on Facebook (I hate it, and I think it hates me too!)
the list of the signs the world Is going to end soon,
the list of the experiences i hope my daughter will have done at twelve years,
the list of things to avoid if you're on holiday in Italy,
the list of shots I'd like to see in a movie,
and so on.

I also have a list of the businesses I'd like to start and one item of this list is to set up a web service to provide lists for everyone who need to check if he is ready for something (camping for a weekend, buy a new house, having a child...)

Well, ok, I love lists. I think you got it :-)

Yesterday, at work, we were attending a training course, and the teacher asked us to write a list of our guides, our life's teachers, a list of the people from whom we learned the most important lessons in our life. We were told that next time we would make some consideration about it.

So I'm compiling this list in English, as a way to kill two birds with one stone!

The short list of my life's teachers

1) My father. Very easy answer, I think many of us would put a parent, or a relative, in such a list. So do I. I'm quite different from my father, although the more older I become, the more similar I become to him in many things. But when in trouble, and I need to examine myself, thinking about what he would do in the same situation really help me in making the right call. And the right one doesn't always mean the more profitable to me.
My father doesn't speak English, so I can write it here, without being too much embarrassed.

2) My friend Pier. I know him since 2003, I think. We didn't share childhood, I met him when I was nearly thirty. He is always active, lively, positive, always ready to help you, and he is always talking too. He really talks a lot. he's humble, and he is one of the most munificient people I've never met. So there are many sides of my character i can improve learning from him (but I'm not telling you which ones! )
Here is a picture of him, in one of his unusual bad moments.


My friend Anna. She's catholic. I'm not. She is careful to other people, she is careful to everyone. She remembers every birthday, every name day, apparently without effort. She lives every experience, even the toughest ones, without any complaint. She never complains, she is a hero in finding the good side in every situation, and I mean the she really finds it, she's not just trying to believe there is always a good side. Every time I talk with her, she always shows me another point of view, she resets my guiding principles, and I can see more clearly what happen around me, and where I'm going.

I know this list could be longer (hello Mum!), but it's just a starting point, I will be working on it from now on.

Who are your life's teachers? They could be also poets, historical figures, or the old lady that lives near you. And if you are fanatic about lists like me, please tell me, we have a lot to talk about!