Obama: Racial Issues Will Not Decide US Election

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13 March 2008

Senator Barack Obama has expressed frustration that racial issues keep rising to the surface in his battle with Senator Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.   In the latest skirmish, a prominent Clinton fundraiser gave up her post in the campaign following backlash over remarks she made about Senator Obama's race.  VOA Correspondent Cindy Saine reports from Washington.

"After years of being told that Democrats have to talk, act and vote like John McCain to pass some commander-in-chief test, how many times do we have to learn that tough talk is not a substitute for sound judgment," he asked.  "After years of a war in Iraq that should never have been authorized, how many more politicians will appeal to Americans' fears instead of their hopes?"

While the Republicans have already settled on Senator McCain as their nominee, the two Democratic rivals now have more than five weeks to fight it out until the next primary on April 22 in Pennsylvania, followed by primaries in North Carolina and Indiana.   Obama currently leads in the total number of delegates and in the popular vote.