New Year's resolutions

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/05/2014 - 21:33

Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what people in London say, then join the conversation!

Do you make New Year's resolutions?

Do you make New Year's resolutions?

The Express English team

This is what some people in London told us:

Quit drinking, smoking and stop overeating are popular New Year's resolutions. But people recognise that it is necessary to be driven to stick to their decision to abandon bad habits.

One man said he relies on his wife to succeed. Another one thinks decisions like that have no use for him as he has nothing to give up!

Did you know?


University of Hertfordshire researchers followed 2,000 people who made a two-week resolution and found that just 30% of women stuck to their goals, compared with 37% of men. Researchers found that those who told family and friends about their plans were far more likely to succeed.

Language tip

'A goal' is an expression used in football but is also used to refer to an objective.

Cultural tip

When open fires were common in Scotland, clearing the ashes and laying a new fire for a new year was a good sign. So too, was the burning of juniper which was believed to ward off any evil spirits. The Scots call the New Year's celebrations Hogmanay.

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