The line graph shows changing patterns of business communication in New Stratford from 1980 to 2005 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The line graph illustrates information about business communication trends in New Stratford from 1980 to 2005.
In general, there are two basic general trends: downward and upward. Regarding the first, communication by letters was down over the period, decreasing almost tenfold from 19 million to 2 million. Furthermore, although landline phones underwent significant fluctuations reaching the peak of 35 million in 1990, then it dropped from 25 million to 22 million.
By contrast, the number of communications by the other three methods went up by varying degrees. They were hardly utilised until 1985, with less than 5 million of uses for each type. After that, emails and cell phones experienced a rapid growth to final 32 and 25 million respectively.
Overall, daily business conversations made by letters and landline phone calls were the major in the beginning of the period, while emails, cell phones and landline phones appeared to be most popular by the end of the period.

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