B. At the Travel Agency

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B. At the Travel Agency.

1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) What time does the conversation take place?

a. In the morning. b. In the afternoon. c. In the evening.
(2) Where does the conversation most probably take place? a. At the travel agent's house. b. At the couple's house. c. In the office of a travel agency.
(3) Which of the following cannot describe the kind of place the couple intends to visit for their holiday? a. The place where they can have lots of sunshine. b. The place where they can frequently take baths. c. The place where they can often take a walk.
(4) Which of the following is not disagreed by the couple? a. Whether the place should have some good discos. b. What sort of price they want to pay. c. Whether they should go on holiday.
(5) What does the travel agent finally suggest? a. The couple go to the South of France. b. They three go to one place together. c. One of the couple should go on holiday with him, the other with his wife.

2. Identification. Identify the kind of places in Column II that each of the persons in Column I intends to go for a holiday.
Column I
(1) The Husband
(2) The Wife
(3) The Travel Agent
(4) Travel Agent's Wife

Column II
a. where lots of walking is possible
b. as sunny as possible
c. with some good discos and clubs
d. without discos and clubs
e. as cheap as possible
f. a top hotel
g. without too many English people
h. hot and lively places
i. peaceful and quiet places

Answer: a —
; b —
; c —
; d —
; e —
; f —
; g —
; h —
; i —

3. True or False Questions.
Unlike what they usually do, the travel agent and his wife are going to split up and go different places this year for a holiday.
The husband seems to be interested in the travel agent's final suggestion whereas the wife is not.
They will go to the travel agent's house for further discussion.

Listening answers

B. At the Travel Agency.

1. Choose the best answer (a, b, or c) for each of the following questions.
(1) What time does the conversation take place?

a. In the morning. b. In the afternoon. c. In the evening.
(2) Where does the conversation most probably take place? a. At the travel agent's house. b. At the couple's house. c. In the office of a travel agency.
(3) Which of the following cannot describe the kind of place the couple intends to visit for their holiday? a. The place where they can have lots of sunshine. b. The place where they can frequently take baths. c. The place where they can often take a walk.
(4) Which of the following is not disagreed by the couple? a. Whether the place should have some good discos. b. What sort of price they want to pay. c. Whether they should go on holiday.
(5) What does the travel agent finally suggest? a. The couple go to the South of France. b. They three go to one place together. c. One of the couple should go on holiday with him, the other with his wife.

2. Identification. Identify the kind of places in Column II that each of the persons in Column I intends to go for a holiday.
Column I
(1) The Husband
(2) The Wife
(3) The Travel Agent
(4) Travel Agent's Wife

Column II
a. where lots of walking is possible
b. as sunny as possible
c. with some good discos and clubs
d. without discos and clubs
e. as cheap as possible
f. a top hotel
g. without too many English people
h. hot and lively places
i. peaceful and quiet places

Answer: a —
; b —
; c —
; d —
; e —
; f —
; g —
; h —
; i —

3. True or False Questions.
Unlike what they usually do, the travel agent and his wife are going to split up and go different places this year for a holiday.
The husband seems to be interested in the travel agent's final suggestion whereas the wife is not.
They will go to the travel agent's house for further discussion.