News Item 2

Listening audio
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News Item 2:

1. General Comprehension. Choose the statement that best summarizes this news item.
(1) The House has attached arms control demands to the spending bill.
(2) The House has approved a compromise anti-drug bill.
(3) President Reagan said he wanted to shut down the government.
(4) The scheduled summit has some impact on the budget debate in the US Congress.

2. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) By attaching arms control demands to the spending bill, ___________.

a. Congress has given help to the Soviet leader b. Congress is supporting President Reagan in the upcoming summit c. President Reagan is helping Congress d. President Reagan and Congress have reached a compromise
(2) President Reagan was forced by Congress to abide by __________. a. the ratified SALT I Treaty b. the unratified SALT I Treaty c. the ratified SALT II Treaty d. the unratified SALT II Treaty
(3) President Reagan's reaction towards the House's pressure was that ___________. a. he would obey the House's requirements b. he would shut down the government if he was forced to give up his way on arms issues c. he would negotiate with the House and try to make a compromise d. he would pay no attention to whatever the House said

3. Spot Dictation. Listen to the tape again and fill in the following blanks.
    The House today approved a compromise
that would institute
. A
threatened a
to keep it from passing. Representatives dropped
from the original bill that would
to patrol the border against

Listening answers

News Item 2:

1. General Comprehension. Choose the statement that best summarizes this news item.
(1) The House has attached arms control demands to the spending bill.
(2) The House has approved a compromise anti-drug bill.
(3) President Reagan said he wanted to shut down the government.
(4) The scheduled summit has some impact on the budget debate in the US Congress.

2. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) By attaching arms control demands to the spending bill, ___________.

a. Congress has given help to the Soviet leader b. Congress is supporting President Reagan in the upcoming summit c. President Reagan is helping Congress d. President Reagan and Congress have reached a compromise
(2) President Reagan was forced by Congress to abide by __________. a. the ratified SALT I Treaty b. the unratified SALT I Treaty c. the ratified SALT II Treaty d. the unratified SALT II Treaty
(3) President Reagan's reaction towards the House's pressure was that ___________. a. he would obey the House's requirements b. he would shut down the government if he was forced to give up his way on arms issues c. he would negotiate with the House and try to make a compromise d. he would pay no attention to whatever the House said

3. Spot Dictation. Listen to the tape again and fill in the following blanks.
    The House today approved a compromise
that would institute
. A
threatened a
to keep it from passing. Representatives dropped
from the original bill that would
to patrol the border against