The diagram below shows the proportion of different types of transports using the main bridge in UK in 1965, 1985 and 2005.

The given three pie charts describe the percentage of four different types of transportation, namely recreational vehicles, public transport vehicles, private transport vehicles and lorries and other commercial vehicles passing over the bridge in UK in 1965, 1985 and 2005.

Overall, the private vehicles gaining more popularity using the main bridge which increased from a quarter to near by three quarters in the given period.

In 1965, the maximum percentage of recreational vehicles was 56% using the main bridge which dropped to 4% in 1985. After the reducing usage of motor homes the usage increased and reached at 9% in 2005. Only a 9% lorries and other commercial vehicles using the main bridge in 1965. The percentage rose by 26% in 1985 and fell to 12% in 2005.

Main bridge used by public transport was nearly 14% in 1965 and 1985, but fell to 5% by 2005.
In contrast, the percentage of public transport using the main bridge was 22% in 1965 and grew significantly from 36% to 74% between 1985 and 2005.