Should governments allocate funds to which areas of concern? Climate change? Education? Public health? Explain your idea with examples.
In recent years, people are more involving to the topic of how the government distributes funds in the area of climate change, education or public health. This essay will elaborate on ideas with related topics.
Global warming is getting worse and has a negative effect on the biosphere. Since the weather pattern has rapidly changed, flower blossom happened at the wrong seasons result in insects that cannot pollinate. Additionally, sea creatures such as polar bears are lack of food and they have to come to the land for it which brings danger to the land inhabitant. Climate change has negative on both plants and animals, and it will cause more disasters if the government keeps ignoring this issue.
Education and public health are also a popular topic. Education provides people to have knowledge, so we know how to improve our lives. More specifically, only people who are well educated have the ability to solve the contemporary problem that we are facing in this generation. On the other hand, public health seems don’t need to put a lot of effort while we have advanced health skills now. However, there are new diseases occurred waiting for new vaccines or medicine. For instance, air pollution brings more inhalation illness, a competitive working environment causes more people mental health problems, so the placebo was invested while the disease caused by air pollution is still waiting for solutions.
In conclusion, I believe that governments should be continuing invest in these three areas since they are important and influence each other.
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2019-06-29 | Karie Tseng | 88 | view |
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Transition Words or Phrases used:
also, but, however, if, so, still, well, while, for instance, in conclusion, such as, on the other hand
Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments
Performance on Part of Speech:
To be verbs : 11.0 10.5418719212 104% => OK
Auxiliary verbs: 5.0 6.10837438424 82% => OK
Conjunction : 8.0 8.36945812808 96% => OK
Relative clauses : 5.0 5.94088669951 84% => OK
Pronoun: 16.0 20.9802955665 76% => OK
Preposition: 27.0 31.9359605911 85% => OK
Nominalization: 12.0 5.75862068966 208% => Less nominalizations (nouns with a suffix like: tion ment ence ance) wanted.
Performance on vocabulary words:
No of characters: 1322.0 1207.87684729 109% => OK
No of words: 255.0 242.827586207 105% => OK
Chars per words: 5.18431372549 5.00649968141 104% => OK
Fourth root words length: 3.99608801488 3.92707691288 102% => OK
Word Length SD: 2.64258445374 2.71678728327 97% => OK
Unique words: 164.0 139.433497537 118% => OK
Unique words percentage: 0.643137254902 0.580463131201 111% => OK
syllable_count: 418.5 379.143842365 110% => OK
avg_syllables_per_word: 1.6 1.57093596059 102% => OK
A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by:
Pronoun: 2.0 4.6157635468 43% => OK
Article: 1.0 1.56157635468 64% => OK
Subordination: 1.0 1.71428571429 58% => OK
Conjunction: 1.0 0.931034482759 107% => OK
Preposition: 4.0 3.65517241379 109% => OK
Performance on sentences:
How many sentences: 13.0 12.6551724138 103% => OK
Sentence length: 19.0 20.5024630542 93% => OK
Sentence length SD: 48.9711906614 50.4703680194 97% => OK
Chars per sentence: 101.692307692 104.977214359 97% => OK
Words per sentence: 19.6153846154 20.9669160288 94% => OK
Discourse Markers: 7.92307692308 7.25397266985 109% => OK
Paragraphs: 4.0 4.12807881773 97% => OK
Language errors: 0.0 5.33497536946 0% => OK
Sentences with positive sentiment : 5.0 6.9802955665 72% => OK
Sentences with negative sentiment : 5.0 2.75862068966 181% => OK
Sentences with neutral sentiment: 3.0 2.91625615764 103% => OK
What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?
Coherence and Cohesion:
Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.217420290194 0.242375264174 90% => OK
Sentence topic coherence: 0.0739909345427 0.0925447433944 80% => OK
Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.0773389155098 0.071462118173 108% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence: 0.139485504303 0.151781067708 92% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.0881949523591 0.0609392437508 145% => OK
Essay readability:
automated_readability_index: 12.8 12.6369458128 101% => OK
flesch_reading_ease: 52.19 53.1260098522 98% => OK
smog_index: 8.8 6.54236453202 135% => OK
flesch_kincaid_grade: 10.7 10.9458128079 98% => OK
coleman_liau_index: 12.76 11.5310837438 111% => OK
dale_chall_readability_score: 9.22 8.32886699507 111% => OK
difficult_words: 75.0 55.0591133005 136% => OK
linsear_write_formula: 8.0 9.94827586207 80% => OK
gunning_fog: 9.6 10.3980295567 92% => OK
text_standard: 13.0 10.5123152709 124% => OK
What are above readability scores?
Rates: 88.8888888889 out of 100
Scores by essay e-grader: 80.0 Out of 90
Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.