Q2 YTSP 16

Speaking topics in text

Q2 YTSP 16

Speaking recording
Average: 7 (1 vote)
Speaking category


Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments

Performance on vocabulary words:
No of characters: 430.0 444.711560045 97% => OK
No of words: 104.0 116.580246914 89% => More words wanted. You may: choose simpler words or speak faster or remove hesitations or remove long pauses, and fully use the time, do NOT save one or two seconds.
Chars per words: 4.13461538462 3.81502700369 108% => OK
Fourth root words length: 3.19343686757 3.28032121604 97% => OK
Word Length SD: 2.13963374071 1.8723322822 114% => OK
Unique words: 72.0 76.076318743 95% => More unique words wanted.
Unique words percentage: 0.692307692308 0.655143326166 106% => OK
Syllable count: 137.7 141.574747475 97% => OK
Avg_syllables_per_word: 1.3 1.21358024691 107% => OK

Performance on coherence:
Topic speech coherence ratio: 0.0 0.0738818816272 0% => It may have issues on recording quality or the content is not so closely related to content.

Acoustic performance on paragraphs:
How many acoustic paragraphs: 9.0 3.20202020202 281% => Need less acoustic paragraphs.
Average paragraph length: 11.5555555556 60.3232687746 19% => The average paragraph length is low.
STD paragraph length: 16.9581911451 17.3634065801 98% => OK
Average paragraph duration: 4.65666666667 22.9064221017 20% => The speaking content is not well organized.
STD paragraph duration: 6.16201987086 6.49597621602 95% => OK

Acoustic performance on sentences:
How many acoustic sentences: 25.0 31.1548821549 80% => OK
Average acoustic sentence length: 4.16 4.0588447711 102% => OK
STD acoustic sentence length: 2.61809090751 3.18357895611 82% => OK
Average acoustic sentences duration: 1.4404 1.46810986539 98% => OK
STD acoustic sentences duration: 0.735844983675 1.01537252472 72% => OK

Acoustic performance on acoustic silence:(An acoustic silence means a little pause between two or more words)
How many acoustic silence: 17.0 28.6644219978 59% => OK
Total acoustic silence duration: 4.65 5.28593714927 88% => OK
Average acoustic silence duration: 0.273529411765 0.187982170178 146% => Maybe the pauses are too long.
STD acoustic silence duration: 0.225204251774 0.154715141812 146% => OK

Acoustic performance on acoustic words:
Total word duration: 29.64 35.408047138 84% => Need to talk more.
Average word duration: 0.285 0.306236595465 93% => OK
STD word duration: 0.145602197786 0.198589292138 73% => OK

Disfluencies: like hesitations, or 'ehn' or taking a long time to pronounce a word:
How many disfluencies: 3.0 6.3164983165 47% => OK
Total_disfluencies_duration: 2.02 5.14435465769 39% => Good job. The lower, the better.
Total acoustic noise duration: 6.31 2.80480359147 225% => It may have issues on recording quality or have issues on silences or disfluencies.

Acoustic rates:
Total speech duration: 41.91 45.0716498316 93% => Talk more. Do not save time. People can talk 4-5 words in one second.
Compare to expected duration: 0.931333333333 1.00159221848 93% => Some seconds left. Need to talk more.
Rate of silence: 0.405631114293 0.637764685501 64% => OK
Rate of speech: 2.48150799332 2.58495923209 96% => OK
Rate of speech by unique words: 1.7179670723 1.68816559523 102% => OK
Rate of word duration by unique words: 2.42914979757 2.15290372801 113% => OK
Average articulation rates: 0.272710942308 0.343871460585 79% => OK


Rates: 70.0 out of 100
Scores by speech e-grader: 21.0 Out of 30
Note: the speech e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas.