TPO 33 - Question 6

Speaking topics in text

TPO 33 - Question 6

Speaking recording
Average: 9 (1 vote)
Speaking category


Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments

Performance on vocabulary words:
No of characters: 769.0 578.828451883 133% => OK
No of words: 189.0 151.265690377 125% => OK
Chars per words: 4.06878306878 3.82278263415 106% => OK
Fourth root words length: 3.70779275107 3.50058242952 106% => OK
Word Length SD: 2.00013996879 1.80425224433 111% => OK
Unique words: 116.0 92.4686192469 125% => OK
Unique words percentage: 0.613756613757 0.61298525976 100% => OK
Syllable count: 253.8 182.283891213 139% => OK
Avg_syllables_per_word: 1.3 1.20543933054 108% => OK

Performance on coherence:
Topic speech coherence ratio: 0.0840762484598 0.0839705835288 100% => OK

Acoustic performance on paragraphs:
How many acoustic paragraphs: 2.0 4.47071129707 45% => OK
Average paragraph length: 94.5 65.8948926009 143% => OK
STD paragraph length: 71.5 19.7758100068 362% => Paragraph length changes often.
Average paragraph duration: 30.395 25.5208953607 119% => OK
STD paragraph duration: 22.965 7.49434385956 306% => The duration of acoustic paragraphs changes often.

Acoustic performance on sentences:
How many acoustic sentences: 34.0 42.9832635983 79% => OK
Average acoustic sentence length: 5.55882352941 3.78147595546 147% => OK
STD acoustic sentence length: 3.92721407369 2.94285465224 133% => OK
Average acoustic sentences duration: 1.76294117647 1.39386743896 126% => OK
STD acoustic sentences duration: 0.988818455388 0.967747756167 102% => OK

Acoustic performance on acoustic silence:(An acoustic silence means a little pause between two or more words)
How many acoustic silence: 30.0 40.4456066946 74% => OK
Total acoustic silence duration: 4.95 7.59280334728 65% => OK
Average acoustic silence duration: 0.165 0.19053887516 87% => OK
STD acoustic silence duration: 0.103658091821 0.157467062838 66% => OK

Acoustic performance on acoustic words:
Total word duration: 52.41 46.3453556485 113% => OK
Average word duration: 0.277301587302 0.308780311121 90% => OK
STD word duration: 0.149594227344 0.201157623399 74% => OK

Disfluencies: like hesitations, or 'ehn' or taking a long time to pronounce a word:
How many disfluencies: 6.0 8.09623430962 74% => OK
Total_disfluencies_duration: 4.07 6.56692468619 62% => OK
Total acoustic noise duration: 1.18 3.53066945607 33% => OK

Acoustic rates:
Total speech duration: 60.79 59.5455230126 102% => Need to finish the speech on time.
Compare to expected duration: 1.01316666667 0.992425383543 102% => OK
Rate of silence: 0.49350222076 0.681803438845 72% => OK
Rate of speech: 3.10906399079 2.53813033465 122% => OK
Rate of speech by unique words: 1.90820858694 1.55221717717 123% => OK
Rate of word duration by unique words: 2.21331806907 1.99939622689 111% => OK
Average articulation rates: 0.338191888889 0.309613076454 109% => OK


Rates: 90.0 out of 100
Scores by speech e-grader: 27.0 Out of 30
Note: the speech e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas.