The chart below shows what Anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years

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The chart below shows what Anthropology graduates from one university did after finishing their undergraduate degree course. The table shows the salaries of the anthropologists in work after five years.

The bar graph illustrates the employment background of Anthropology alumni of a university. The table compares how much they earned after 5 years working as anthropologist.
Overall, it is clear that most of alumni were employed and a government sector offered the most attractive salaries for them after a half of decade.
The majority of graduates were involved in full-time, either employment or postgraduate, 52% and 8% in turn. The percentage of graduates who have only part time job is triple than those who combined both job and postgraduate education, 15% and 5%. Only 12% of people were between jobs, while the rest of people’s destination was unknown.
The half of graduates who earned over $100 000 works in a government sector. However, freelance consultants had equal proportion of graduates (40%) who had salaries over $100 000 and between $75000 and $100000. Finally, there were more graduates in private companies earning below $75 000 (45%).

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