Integrated speaking 3-5)A Notice from Public Safety A new parking policy is being instituted starting next year. Previously, faculty and staff were given first preference of parking passes, then commuting students, then the remaining passes were given out

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Integrated speaking 3-
5)A Notice from Public Safety
A new parking policy is being instituted starting next year. Previously, faculty and staff were given first preference of parking passes, then commuting students, then the remaining passes were given out on a first come first serve basis. The new policy is intended to more fairly and orderly distribute the passes. The university will now give out parking passes by means of a lottery. To sign up for the lottery and for questions and information, please log on to the Public Safety webpage.

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2013-12-04 magicsk 85.00 Check this speaking
2015-01-03 parisamani 80.00 Check this speaking
2013-12-07 visa0809 75.00 Check this speaking
2014-02-07 varunthepatel 80.00 Check this speaking
2013-12-05 ben 80.00 Check this speaking
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