The chart below gives information about global population percentages and distribution of wealth by region

The provided chart illustrate the rate of world population and assets distribution by places.

Overall, The Europe and North America ranked high in global wealth while China have the highest manpower.

In terms of global wealth, North America have the highest proportion by taking above one third while the second position is for Europe which is containing 30% of total assets. Moreover, Rich Asia- Pacific having just near a quarter (24%). However, the over countries, China, Other Asia pacific, India, Africa, Latin America and Caribean have least amount.

Furthermore, the portions of population of China is the largest while Africa have approximately half than that of it by having 10% human. India, Other Asia Pacific as wee as Europe contain quite similar humankind which are hanging around 15%. Finally, The least population is in the Rich Asia Pacific, exactly 5% and jsut one percent more is in the North America.

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