The chart below shows the expenditure of two countries on consumer goods in 2010

The statistical information in context to expenses applied by two nations on distinct retail items is portrayed by the bar chart.The data is calibrated in pounds sterling.

Overall, it can be deduced that UK remained compulsive shopper than France in antecedent categories except fragrance and computers.However, profit outcome from cars was exceptional in both countries.

At the fleeting glance, examining the statistics, considering travelling comfort, exorbitant amount was utilized on cars by both UK and France, nearly 450,000 and 400,000 (pounds sterling).subsequently, minor difference could be noticed in terms of computers.

Proceeding further with remaining part, sale of reading resources in France was three times than that of UK. Surprisingly, both nations showed negligence in shopping perfume due to lack of variety, accounted below 200,000 pounds sterling. Meanwhile, profit accumulation from cameras in UK was double than that of France.

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