The table below provides statistics on several major metro systems around the comparisons where relevant

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The table below provides statistics on several major metro systems around the comparisons where relevant.

A deep analysis of the table provided reveals the information about metro systems in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, Los Angeles.
It is clear that London is the first country in the built metro in 1863 and is 1100 kilometers long. meanwhile, the second oldest metro is in Paris. This was built in 1890 and also second highest, at 594 kilometers. Tokyo and Washington DC in the metro are built in 1904 and 1921. Their length is between 100 to 150. On the other hand, Kyoto and Los Angeles metro system is the newest and shorter.
We can see the table that shows the carrying capacity of six metro systems is very different. The Tokyo metro system is the highest capacity among all, with 1434 million. By contrast, the metro system of Kyoto and Washington DC are the smallest carrying capacities. These two metros can only carry 22 million and 70 million per year respectively.

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