The table shows the average length of Youtube Video advertisement an average length of time viewers spend watching them

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The table shows the average length of Youtube Video advertisement an average length of time viewers spend watching them.

The table gives information about the average length of YouTube video advertisements and how long viewers spend watching them.
It can be seen that there is a difference in video advertisement length among the types of YouTube ads. Overall, we just spend time watching half of the advertising video.
Out of the types of YouTube ads, viewers spending on watching ad was noticeably higher in public service, at 28.1 seconds. Besides, public service is also the highest amount of the video length, over 1 minute, at 66.7 seconds. In comparison to clothing ads, the lowest number of seconds, the length of public service is twice as much time as it.
Nevertheless, clothing and consumer electronics have the shortest video, at 21.8 seconds and 23.4 seconds respectively. Pharmaceuticals have slightly higher lengths, but viewers just spend about approximately 14.3 seconds for them.

Average: 9 (1 vote)